What Job Would You Do For Free?

This was the question used as a writing prompt today. It is the topic of a long overdue blog post. One answer to that question is this. I would do this kind of thing for free and have much of my life.

This is not just writing on this blog, which I have not done much of lately, but doing things related to the purpose of this site and the name of the informal group created to educate and advocate for the rights we have as free world citizens. Note citizen being the broad term of citizens of earth not just citizens of a particular nation state. However this exercise focuses on the state of Oregon in the United States.

As a firm believer that knowledege is power, I get great personal satification helping people understand what their rights are and helping them advocate for them. Although I have sometimes been paid for this, that is not the norm and after many decades most likely will not happen again. I do this for free, not just to make me feel good, I do this because it provides me hope.

Hope that change will happen to make a better world for everyone as we become empowered by understanding how our social/politial system works. Empowered to become our own best advocate. Not just for ourselves but for our communities, countries, and world.

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